1. The school authorities expect the co-operation of the parents/guardian in maintaining regularity discipline and study habit in the children.
2. Kindly check the students hand-book dailyfor reports,if any.Furnish your shine against report as a token of your acknowledgment,and take neccessary measures to complete the same.
3.Your visits are encouraged.All the business with the teachers and students should be conducted through the school office.
4. Parents are free to meet the teachers on open day from 08.30 A.M. to 12.30 P.M.Parent visit with their wards will be more frruitful from childs learning point ofd view.
5. Vehicle shall not be taken inside the school gate and driven to the class room/office premisesas it disturbs the peaceful atmosphere for the learners.
6. There will be parents-teacher meating on scheduled dates before and after each term examination.Parents should make it a point note to miss the meeting as it is of very importance in view of their wards studies.
7. Answer script of students in examination will not under any circumstances be given to parents for retaining.
8. No tuitor will be entertained to see the answer books.Examination copies shall not be taken home for personal scruitny.