De Paul School is a co-educational institution established and run by De Paul Education of Society which is a registered charitable body under the jurisdiction of St. Thomas Province of Vincentian society, Rewa (M.P.). It is a minority institution and is run in collaboration with Rev. Sisters of Franciscan Clarist Congregation, Nokia. The school is named after St. Vincent De Paul the patron of the world wide charitable works. His mission and vision inspire us to lead thousands from darkness of ignorance to light of knowledg, "Thamasoma Jyatirgamaya". Status - It is an unaided English Medium school affiliated to the CISCE. New Delhi. ... Lush-green trees, resplendent flowers and extensive farmlands around offer it an idyllic setting and pollution-free environment. It is an institution where learning is a pleasurable pursuit, where hours spent happily in the playground give strength Send Your wards to get quality education from best institute in karwi. We provide best education to our students to make their bright.