1.For the smooth running of the school,our primary concern and special attention is to ensure a high standards of morality and discipline among the students.

2.Pupils must show gentleness and courtesy to the companions.Refined manners,uprightness and self restraint should distinguish every student of this school.

3.Personal cleanliness in ones whole personality is expected The uniform must be clean and neatly pressed, shoes well polished,finger nails pared and hair combed.School uniform is compulsory on all working days and at the school function and even for the special classes.

4.Pupils are responsible for the safe custody of their books and belongings.Each article should be marked with ones names and roll number.It is not advisable for the pupil to bringmoney or other valuables to the school.

5.No extra books,news papers or periodicals should be brought within the school premise without the principals permission.

6.The pupils will see that the class premises is kept clean and tidy.